Ashley David Hallam: Tasmanian fishing enthusiast who allegedly filmed woman perform sex act with live brown trout faces court

An avid fisherman accused of filming and sharing bestiality material involving a woman and a live brown trout has faced court.

Ashley David Hallam, 55, appeared in Hobart Magistrates Court on Tuesday to request his matter be adjourned.

Hallam, from Dolphin Sands in Tasmania’s south-east, has been charged with two counts of making or reproducing a bestiality product and three counts of possessing a bestiality product.

He is yet to enter a plea.

Police allege a disturbing video which later went viral showed his co-accused, Catherine June Lee, lying on a boat at sea in Tasmania‘s south as Hallam used a live brown trout to perform a sex act on her.

The offences allegedly occurred between February 2022 and January 25, 2023, The Mercury reported.

Magistrate Marica Duvnjak granted Hallam’s request and adjourned the matter until October 25.

Lee, from the Hobart suburb of Howden, faced the same court for the first time on Monday to request the same adjournment, which was also accepted.

Keen fisherman Ashley David Hallam (pictured) charged with two counts of making or reproducing a bestiality product and three counts of possessing a bestiality product.

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Keen fisherman Ashley David Hallam (pictured) charged with two counts of making or reproducing a bestiality product and three counts of possessing a bestiality product.

Ashley David Hallam, 55, will reappear in court in October

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  Ashley David Hallam, 55, will reappear in court in October

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