“They Dressed In The Same Clothes Every Day All Their Lives”: What Do 84-Year-Old Twin Sisters Look Like?


Identical twins Anne McQueen and Susan Briggs have shared a remarkably close bond throughout their lives. From infancy, they’ve been inseparable, sharing not only physical similarities but also interests and hobbies. Their journey of dressing alike began with their mother’s choices, and as they grew older, they continued the tradition by carefully coordinating their outfits.

Now in their eighties, Anne and Susan still find joy in dressing alike, with one always buying two of everything when shopping for clothes. Their synchrony extends beyond their wardrobe choices – whenever they go out together, they meticulously coordinate their outfits, not for attention, but simply because they genuinely enjoy the same styles.

Despite their age, the twins have recently found themselves in the social media spotlight, thanks to Anne’s grandson, Mikey Metcalfe, who began sharing videos of them on TikTok. Their first post quickly went viral, garnering millions of views.

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