Courageous Toddler Has Stage 3 Cancer – She Needs Our Prayers

An untold number of scientists work each day toward a cure for cancer. As a society, we should provide them with all the support they need as they undertake this important endeavor.

The truth is, cancer is a terrible experience for all its sufferers and their families. And if a reminder is needed regarding how terrible the disease is, one needs only to take a look at young McKenna Shea Xydias.

The two-year-old McKenna is a daughter to Michael and Megan. The couple became alarmed one day when the discovered swelling in their daughter’s abdomen. A trip to the family’s physician calmed their worries and they were told their daughter was probably constipated.

A call from the school nurse a short time later reignited the couple’s fears. McKenna had a 103-degree fever and her abdomen was more swollen than ever. But another trip to the doctor resulted in a similar diagnosis. The couple was told their daughter suffered from gas bloating.

Michael and Megan were not satisfied with this diagnosis. The couple took their daughter to Atlanta’s Scottish Rite Hospital. The diagnosis was both upsetting and frightening for the family. McKenna suffered from a malignant growth located on her ovaries.

The type of Ovarian cancer McKenna suffers from is extremely rare. Fortunately, the symptoms revealed the disease early enough to give doctors adequate options to treat the disease. An operation was performed on the two-year-old to remove the growth and the process was completed without complications.

McKenna is still in the hospital but doctors think the little girl will be able to join her family at home in the coming weeks.

Cancer is a horrible disease and as a community, we should stand in support of cancer sufferers.

McKenna did nothing to deserve the pain and stress she has endured. As she continues her battle, we should support her with our prayers.

What did you think about brave little McKenna’s fight against cancer? Will you include her in your prayers tonight? Pass this article to friends and family to spread both inspiration and awareness for people struggling with this horrible disease.

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